Family Overview

The family overview page provides a comprehensive view of a client's demographic information, current financial status and history of services provided. From this screen, agencies can quickly record services provided, view what services the client has previously received, and enter and review case notes.

Additionally, there are summary notices of the last time the client was served within the VCM network with services that your agency provides. Service summaries from other collaborating agencies may be listed. This is intended to prevent abuse within the service network and allow agencies to serve the families who have not received recent assistance before those that have.

The family overview provides quick navigation to family member details, case notes, reports, and accumulated digital attachments like: birth certificates, tax records, intake forms, e-signature forms, and any other information collected and shared between collaborating agencies.

All client information is recorded with the security policy consisting of three levels:
° Private only to your agency
° Public to all registered agencies within the VCM
° Shared with collaborating agency groups that are built and controlled by your administrators