Record Client Services On-the-Go with VCM

Do you need to record services for your clients, but you are not in the office with access to your computer? Maybe you are serving food to a line of clients at the food pantry, or you are working with clients in their home or meeting place. The Virtual Case Manager is case management software for nonprofits. The VCM now includes a “Mobile Version” of the VCM which gives you freedom to be outside your main office. All you need for this mobile software is a smart phone, or a tablet synced to a Wi-Fi connection.

food pantry software

Do any of these pictures represent how you are servicing your local community? These days, more and more agencies are offering services in varied settings to serve a larger variety of clients. For example, some food pantries include drive-through programs or service large group settings. However, funders still need to know the number of clients served, client demographics, and the quantities of services provided. So agencies need to be able to record the services quickly and accurately on-the-go. The mobile version of the Virtual Case Manager solves this by allowing users to record service information at the point of contact. VCM’s mobile software is one of the best apps for case managers and nonprofits. Case managers can also use the mobile version of the VCM with private counseling sessions away from the office.

How to use the VCM mobile version

On your mobile device, open the login page. Then, click on the “Switch to mobile version” link at the bottom of the page. You will use your normal username and password to log into the mobile version of the VCM.

free case management software for nonprofits

Once you log into the VCM from your mobile version, the screen will look like our desktop version of the VCM.

nonprofit mobile software

You will be able to find the client and open their client profile. This will look similar to the client page on VCM’s desktop version. The client details section and family members sections will open. From the Client details section, you have the option of printing out a VCM ID card for this client. You should print out an ID card on a computer attached to a printer. You will need to scroll down to the Add Services section to record a service provided.

nonprofit client tracking

Scroll down to the Add Services and Service History section. The Add Services section functions exactly like the Add Quick Services on the desktop version of the VCM. Choose programs and a service to record. Be sure to enter the Quantity of the service provided. Service notes can be added. Press Record Service to finish recording the service. If the Take Home Food form is required, it will show up so the client can sign on the touch screen. You can scroll down to see additional Service History.

client tracking software

If needed, you can sign the Take Home Food Form with your finger. Save their signature. This signature will automatically be recorded on the form digitally and can be found on the client home page under Attachments.

nonprofit mobile software

If you have further questions, please contact us: